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Bed Bath & Beyond

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Bed Bath & Beyond is an online furniture retailer that offers an extensive collection of home decor, bed and bath products, outdoor furniture, and more.

What they donate

Furniture products, monetary donations, gift cards, volunteering at events
Donation is small & easy to send to guests

Who they donate to

Support organizations with housing-related missions or those that seek to beautify dream homes.
501(c)(3) preferred
Non-charitable or non-philanthropic organizations; Religious organizations, labor organizations, political organizations, and fraternal or membership organizations (not including US Military and Veterans Groups); Government entities; Individual schools or school districts; Athletes, teams, individuals, sporting events, competitive events, or tournaments of any kind seeking assistance or sponsorship; Groups seeking assistance for personal travel; Individuals; Third-party donation requests on behalf of an organization; Organizations requesting funds or product for endowments, loans, debt reduction, website development, or marketing sponsorships; Donor advised funds, private foundations, and personal trusts.
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