Alaska Sea Grant Research Grants

From Alaska Sea Grant

Alaska Sea Grant, established in 1970 as part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Sea Grant College Program, aims to support research, education, and extension activities. These efforts are designed to empower Alaskans in understanding, conserving, and using marine and coastal resources sustainably. The program operates with funding from federal and state appropriations, alongside contributions from local governments, agencies, community organizations, and the industry.

Type of Support


The Alaska Sea Grant Research Grants program solicits proposals for research projects, inviting researchers from Alaska to apply for funding. These projects, which can range from one to two years in duration, aim to address the state's priority needs and contribute to the knowledge base in four focus areas: healthy coastal ecosystems; sustainable fisheries and aquaculture; resilient communities and economies; and environmental literacy and workforce development. The program encourages applications that involve collaborative, synthesis, or interdisciplinary approaches and supports partnerships among a wide range of stakeholders. It aims to address the challenges and opportunities facing marine and coastal communities and environments, incorporating scientific methods as well as traditional and local knowledge. Grant proposals are expected to align with the goals and critical areas outlined in the Alaska Sea Grant 2018–2023 Strategic Plan.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
not specified


Step 1: Pre-proposal
Application deadline
Feb 15, 2025
Step 2: Full proposal (check website)