AWS Cloud Credits for Research Grant

From Amazon Web Services (AWS)

The mission is to support the advancement of academic research by providing resources to researchers at accredited institutions, enabling them to leverage cloud technology to improve, facilitate, and accelerate their research and the research of their community.

Type of Support


The AWS Cloud Credits for Research Program aims to empower researchers with cloud-based tools by offering promotional credits for AWS services. The goals of the grant include helping researchers to create publicly available science-as-a-service applications, perform proof of concept or benchmark tests for migrating research workloads or open datasets to the cloud, and train the research community in the use of cloud resources. Projects that fit into the program are those focused on the development of cloud-hosted services, software, or tools, migration of research processes or open data to the cloud, and the provision of advanced workshops or tutorials on cloud technologies for research purposes.


Organization's Location
non consectetur
Program Location
Organization Type
Irure et sunt enim laborum
Ullamco ad Lorem pariatur tempor officia fugiat
Lorem aliqua ad ipsum consequat culpa nulla laboris
Lorem consectetur sint velit minim exercitation duis labore tempor incididunt nostrud
  • sint aute irure sit pariatur commodo Lorem incididunt ipsum cillum adipisicing dolore
  • culpa pariatur Lorem est quis esse est id dolor eiusmod
  • nisi anim ullamco irure amet laboris cupidatat duis
  • occaecat aliqua tempor excepteur consectetur eu ipsum commodo voluptate ad laborum


Id occaecat quis adipisicing fugiat excepteur eu quis esse irure enim
Irure dolor deserunt non nostrud Lorem adipisicing sunt
Reprehenderit nostrud magna sit laborum commodo amet ad adipisicing sint
Excepteur et incididunt eiusmod dolor reprehenderit tempor
up to 5k


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