Distinguished Service Award

    From The American Society of Parasitologists

    Founded in 1924, the American Society of Parasitologists is an organization comprising around 700 scientists from academia, industry, and government dedicated to the study and teaching of the scientific discipline of parasitology. Its members are involved in advancing parasitology across various scientific fields including behavior, biochemistry, ecology, immunology, molecular biology, and more.

    Type of Support


    The Distinguished Service Award, presented by the American Society of Parasitologists, aims to honor a member whose dedicated efforts and sustained contribution have notably enhanced the effectiveness of the Society while promoting the discipline of parasitology. The award recognizes significant service and contribution to the ASP and the field at large. The honor includes covering travel and accommodation expenses up to $1000 and an engraved plaque, awarded at the Annual Meeting. Eligibility demands a nomination letter outlining the nominee's service achievements, two supporting letters, and an updated Curriculum Vitae detailing the nominee's contributions to ASP and the field of parasitology.


    Organization's Location
    in ea
    Program Location
    Organization Type
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    up to 1k


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