Arts and Culture Program Grants

The mission is centered on leveraging the arts and humanities to foster social justice. The foundation aims to support ambitious and visionary projects that intersect these areas, aiming to challenge, activate, and nourish the human spirit. The focus is on ensuring equitable access to arts and cultural experiences, supporting creative practices, scholarship, and conservation, and nurturing a diverse and robust arts ecosystem.

Type of Support


The grant program, under the Arts and Culture umbrella, aims to celebrate the transformative power of the arts and support exceptional creative endeavors. The guiding principles include supporting visionary artists and practitioners who influence institutions and communities, aiding organizations and artists historically under-resourced, and encouraging experiments with new economic paradigms that prioritize equity and justice within the arts sector. The program supports artist-driven collaborations, acknowledges the broad impact of artists' work in society, and seeks to preserve the artistic and cultural legacies of diverse communities. It emphasizes multi-year support to ensure the sustainability of these efforts and the creation of a more inclusive and cooperative sector.


Organization's Location
minim magna
Program Location
Organization Type
Voluptate amet nisi commodo anim
Exercitation mollit magna incididunt irure
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  • anim laboris veniam amet pariatur sit minim occaecat culpa id qui proident quis magna est excepteur officia


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Enim adipisicing
not specified


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