Transom Grants

From Baptist Community Ministries Foundation

In response to the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ and in keeping with our Baptist heritage, Baptist Community Ministries is committed to improving the physical, mental, and spiritual health of people and communities in the five-parish Greater New Orleans area.

Type of Support


Health: A healthy community provides its citizens an environment that creates a state of positive physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Education: A healthy community provides learning opportunities for all of its residents to develop the cognitive, vocational, social, and emotional skills necessary to be successful in college, work, and life. Public Safety: A healthy community provides for a balanced approach to crime prevention and management, including effective interventions and behavioral controls working in cooperation with efficient, effective and coordinated justice system agencies.


Organization's Location
minim deserunt
Program Location
esse aliqua excepteur
Organization Type
Voluptate sint
Elit proident sint ut


Elit enim nisi exercitation adipisicing deserunt tempor pariatur laborum et cillum labore est tempor Lorem non est adipisicing duis nisi in nulla exercitation excepteur
Ad voluptate
Excepteur occaecat voluptate aliquip ipsum
Tempor ea fugiat laboris culpa


Step 1: consectetur consectetur officia
Step 2: anim nisi (elit ex)
Required Attachments
et ut mollit