First Steps Grant

From The Binky Foundation

The Binky Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to the protection of domestic and wild animals and the protection and expansion of animal habitats.

Type of Support


The Binky Foundation’s offers a streamlined grant program for fledgling animal welfare organizations, shelters, rescue groups, TNR programs and others. The purpose of our “First Steps” Grant Program is to provide initial financial support to new organizations that recognize the importance of business training and planning as well as passion for the animals to create a successful, long-term operation. Grants awarded under our “First Steps” Grant Program may be used by the grantee organization for any purpose in support of the organizations mission without restriction.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status


Organizations that have applied for or obtained status as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization prior to the last 3 years
Individual pet care, including direct reimbursement to veterinarians
Individual medical, housing or food expenses
up to 1k


Required Attachments
Project Budget
501(c)(3) Letter
Review Criteria

Our business/action plan requirement is a significant factor for us to determine whether groups have truly thought about their objectives and how they intend to use their training and expertise to achieve and sustain those objectives into the future. 

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