Ejido Grant

The Biophilia Foundation is dedicated to advancing biodiversity conservation on private lands by fostering systemic change through people, their communities, and direct action.

Type of Support


The Biophilia Foundation is seeking proposals for small projects to improve the financial and ecological sustainability of ejidos in the drylands of northern Mexico. Grants of USD $5,000-10,000 are available for projects that increase the financial viability of sustainable land management, thus improving quality of life for ejido residents and improving the health of the ecosystem. All qualified projects must adopt a “people and nature” approach to simultaneously improve conditions for people and wildlife.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Mexico (Chihuahua, Coahuila, Northern Mexico, Nuevo León, Sonora)
Organization Type

Despite the many challenges, we believe there are opportunities to manage land sustainably, some of which may be achieved with a minimal up-front investment. Examples include:

  • Changes to grazing management practices (e.g., introduction of rotational grazing)
  • Workshops, training, and technical assistance
  • Development of producer-producer and producer-consumer networks
  • Dryland permaculture
  • New approaches to participatory decision making and governance

We are requesting proposals for innovative ideas to create healthier and more productive environments for people and wildlife on ejidos. The examples above are for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to convey the full range of options for funding. We are particularly interested in approaches rooted in human-centered disciplines, such as anthropology, sociology, development studies, institutional economics, and social entrepreneurship.

Grant awards in this program are grounded in the following values and assumptions:

  • Environmental sustainability and wildlife conservation are very difficult to achieve unless people’s basic needs are first met.
  • Small-scale, communal landowners are to be treated as equal partners and valued for their experience and expertise.
  • Solutions must be culturally appropriate and contextually relevant.

Preference will be given to projects led by or co-created with ejidatarios and to projects led by organizations in Mexico.

5k – 10k


Required Attachments
Project Budget
Review Criteria