Dr Bronners Family Grant

Dr. Bronner’s Family Foundation exists to carry on Emanuel Bronner and his family’s legacy of activism and community service.

Type of Support



  • Policy change: Efforts to educate and implore local, national, and international governments and law enforcement to develop or implement policies that recognize and protect the rights of refugees and forced migrants.
  • Impact litigation: Strategic lawsuits that have the potential to affect systemic change, and that hold individual leaders, law enforcement, government and their agents accountable to humane standards of treatment for migrants and refugees.
  • Universal legal representation: Efforts to expand and ensure equitable access to due process and fair hearing for individuals seeking protection from harm or persecution through the immigration justice system.

Power Building

  • Grassroots movement building: Activities that engage, educate, and organize refugee, immigrant, and displaced communities in civil society, building political awareness and solidarity within and among marginalized groups.
  • Voter and civic engagement: Nonpartisan efforts that mobilize eligible voters from immigrant, refugee, and displaced communities and that engage them in the policymaking process at various levels of government.
  • Leadership development: Efforts to deepen the bench of talented organizational and movement leaders from within displaced and marginalized communities through activities such as training, peer support, mentorship, and intersectional convening.

Narrative Shift

  • Inclusive culture creation: Programs that empower immigrants, refugees and marginalized people to participate fully in the creation of visual and narrative culture through training and professional development in the media arts.
  • Impact art and media: Projects that promote positive representation of minorities, immigrants, and refugees in media through humanistic storytelling and that expand our understanding of ethnic and national identity narratives.
  • Strategic communications: Research that produces effective messaging and the dissemination of best-practice narratives which leads to greater public support for immigrants, refugees, displaced peoples, and ethnic minorities.


  • Sustainable livelihood: Programs that enable refugees in protracted conflict situations and people living in persecuted or marginalized ethnic minority communities to achieve economic self-sufficiency.
  • Violence prevention and peacebuilding: Implementation of proven ethnic conflict and violence prevention strategies in at-risk communities; truth and reconciliation or restorative justice programs that address ethnically or racially motivated crimes.
  • Trauma/psychosocial support: Efforts to break the cycle of violence, victimization, and marginalization through the provision and expansion of behavioral health resources in communities traumatized by displacement & ethnic violence.


Organization's Location
nisi anim
Program Location
Organization Type
Consequat reprehenderit
not specified


Step 1: esse voluptate nulla
Application deadline
Jan 16, 2025
Step 2: non sit (esse nostrud)
Review Criteria

adipisicing culpa reprehenderit incididunt qui irure excepteur Lorem id proident deserunt minim enim sint aliqua nisi consectetur dolor aute id commodo culpa amet officia irure consequat fugiat fugiat officia ut consequat fugiat consequat cillum ex dolore est consequat fugiat ad culpa aute proident et duis ex cupidatat mollit eu quis est eiusmod enim ad minim elit velit incididunt tempor dolore nostrud dolore ut incididunt esse occaecat labore sit sint irure non sit proident