The Campbell Foundation Grant

    From The Campbell Foundation

    We dedicate nearly 100% of our grant dollars to the environment. As citizens of the planet, we are compelled to participate in the protection of natural resources in the communities where we live.

    Type of Support


    The Campbell Foundation’s Pacific Initiative strives to identify opportunities in the field that a) are gaining political momentum, b) present a great opportunity to leverage resources of all kinds, and c) are innovative from a business and social perspective. We allocate the resources of our California office to projects in these areas:

    • Water Quality (California)
    • Land-Sea Connection (California)
    • Protection of Special Places (California)

    The Campbell Foundation’s Chesapeake Initiative seeks to accelerate the pace of nutrient reduction in the Bay through engagement of diverse stakeholders and partnerships between agricultural interests and environmental concerns that forge new paths of working together. The Campbell Foundation endeavors to identify, broaden and enhance leadership and grassroots advocacy by building capacity for those who chart a sensible course for the future, with 360° view of the needs and tradeoffs.


    Organization's Location
    Lorem culpa
    Program Location
    voluptate irure pariatur laborum irure laboris pariatur non nostrud
    Organization Type
    Nulla laboris eu occaecat
    Et exercitation ut
    Amet ullamco ut
    Minim est
    up to 25k


    Required Attachments
    ullamco pariatur
    fugiat commodo
    Contact info
    Jane Doe
    Review Criteria

    ullamco velit in occaecat enim enim sunt ea sit culpa tempor cupidatat incididunt

    • non ullamco ipsum cupidatat
    • pariatur est sit incididunt voluptate minim
    • voluptate quis aliqua et aliqua ut exercitation