Charlotte Cushman Foundation Grant

The Foundation, originating from The Charlotte Cushman Club, continues the legacy of supporting the theater community. Initially created to offer safe, affordable lodging to actresses in Philadelphia, it has evolved to support the broader theater community, funding programs and initiatives that address the changing dynamics and challenges faced by modern theater, including adapting to non-traditional performance venues and formats. The Foundation sustains the theater's rich heritage through grants and preserving valuable theater memorabilia.

Type of Support


The grant program is designed to support theater productions that adapt to new environments, especially in response to COVID-19 challenges. Recognizing the pandemic's impact on traditional theater settings, the Foundation is open to funding plays performed in non-traditional venues, including outdoor spaces, online platforms, or site-specific venues. This initiative reflects a broad goal to ensure the continuity and resilience of theater arts in face of unforeseen circumstances. Grants are aimed at productions that innovate in their approach to staging and performance, moving beyond conventional theater settings to reach audiences in new ways. This does not extend to readings, workshops, or recordings of previously-performed plays.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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500 – 3.5k


Visit Apply for more information.