Workforce Training Fund Express Program

    From Commonwealth Corporation

    The mission of Commonwealth Corporation (CommCorp), under the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD), focuses on improving workforce outcomes for youth at risk in Massachusetts. CommCorp aims to enhance the state's workforce by fostering partnerships and leveraging programming that prepares teens and young adults with essential skills and experiences for their career paths.

    Type of Support


    The Workforce Training Fund Express Program aims to provide employers with quick and straightforward access to grant-funded training to help businesses in Massachusetts adapt to emerging needs efficiently. This program is designed to offer businesses the ability to respond promptly to changes and maintain employee engagement through accessible, just-in-time training opportunities. It features bite-sized grants that allow for continuous learning without waiting periods between grants, making it the fastest path to funding. The program offers a flexible range of training options with grant limits of $20,000 per company per calendar year and $3,000 per employee per course, encouraging eligible employers to apply anytime for funding that matches their immediate needs.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
    Organization Type
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    up to 20k


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