Community Foundation: Mini-grants

From Community Foundation of Elmira-Corning and the Finger Lakes, Inc.

The Community Foundation of Elmira-Corning and the Finger Lakes aims to build community and inspire philanthropy by supporting creative, effective, and innovative programs across various sectors including human services, arts and culture, education and youth, health, environment, and civic affairs. They focus on projects that address community needs while ensuring sustainable impact, promoting diversity, and emphasizing the inclusion of underserved and economically diverse populations.

Type of Support


The mini-grant program is designed to fund projects that are smaller in scale, meet sudden needs or opportunities, or don't align with larger funding cycles. These grants, ranging from $100 to $1,500, offer a faster turnaround time, allowing for a wider impact across nonprofit organizations. Available on a rolling basis, these grants support diverse initiatives within Chemung and SE Steuben counties. Organizations can apply up to three times per fiscal year for different projects, with award notifications provided within ten days of application.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Commodo officia
100 – 1.5k


Visit Apply for more information.

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