EBI Foundation Grant

From The EBI Foundation

The EBI Foundation believes that the company's success is interwoven with the health, education and prosperity of the community. The Foundation supports the areas of education and scholarships, environmental preservation, natural disaster response, medical institutions, scientific innovation, the arts organizations and community improvement.

Type of Support


The Ensign-Bickford Foundation will consider requests in the following areas, with priority to Education and Environment:

  • Education

    • Accredited educational institutions
    • Special interests programs or scholarships for underprivileged students
    • Programs using new creative approaches and methods
    • University programs promoting fields of interest to the Company
    • Programs encouraging continuing education (e.g., adult literacy programs).
  • Environment

    • Organizations concerned with the stability and improvement of ecological systems
    • Organizations that provide relief from the effects of both natural or human caused imbalances and disasters
  • Health and Welfare

    • Public service organizations such as community funds, social welfare organizations
    • Health organizations such as hospitals or other health groups
    • Local hospitals and health care groups that provide services to Company employees and their dependents, and those that promote safety, preventive health care and cost containment (of special interest)
    • Organizations that improve living conditions for the homeless, jobless, aging and handicapped communities
    • Organizations that enhance the motivational levels of traditionally excluded groups in our society
  • Local and Civic

    • Parks, playgrounds and recreation centers, and various state or municipal programs and projects
  • Economics and Humanities

    • Agencies and organizations that support and promote the free enterprise system
    • Organizations that contribute to greater citizen awareness of history
    • Institutions that provide for the basics of our culture and society
  • Arts and Culture

    • Organizations that support the production, promotion and financing for music, art, theater and dance


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Accredited educational institutions

The Foundation will not provide funding for “Unrestricted” purposes. It is difficult to establish a series of guidelines covering all cases in the complex field of corporate philanthropic gifts. Hence, a particular request may occasionally receive favorable consideration for special reasons even though it may not appear to conform to the normal eligibility criteria.


Religious organizations whose programs benefit members of one religious group only (non-religious programs, open to all, may receive consideration even though they are sponsored by a religious organization)
Political organizations or organizations that are primarily political in nature or whose purpose is, or may be, to influence legislation at any level
Organizations which violate equal opportunity, environment or other regulations or laws
not specified


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