Elsie H. Hillman Foundation Grant

From Elsie H Hillman Foundation

The Elsie H. Hillman Foundation aims to improve life quality in Pittsburgh and southwestern Pennsylvania by supporting community development, health, education, human services, the arts, and the environment through grants. It prioritizes investments in women, minorities, and civic leadership programs.

Type of Support


The Elsie H. Hillman Foundation channels its efforts into nurturing young civic leaders and fostering inclusive communities that benefit all citizens, especially women and minorities. It emphasizes the need for continuous opportunity creation for these groups to maintain Pittsburgh's "Most Livable" status. The foundation encourages everyone to participate actively in community life, support each other, and inject joy into these endeavors. Its funding priorities for 2017-2020 focus on promoting the well-being of women, minorities, and LGBT citizens, and increasing regional opportunities across various sectors including Community and Economic Development, Cultural Advancement and the Arts, Education and Workforce Development, Energy and Environment, Health and Medicine, and Human Services. The foundation remains committed to engaging young people in civic leadership and public affairs, and it seeks to identify and support emerging opportunities for timely assistance.


Organization's Location
voluptate cillum
Program Location
sunt id consequat elit ea laborum deserunt nulla nisi aute
Organization Type
Exercitation quis nostrud id ex proident id cillum nisi id nisi tempor exercitation
Ea exercitation velit ipsum quis ut tempor reprehenderit
  • aliqua nisi elit ullamco ex laboris
  • minim amet elit mollit adipisicing cillum id nostrud et eu cupidatat ad
  • sunt veniam sint nostrud aute anim irure exercitation ut consectetur anim aliqua nostrud reprehenderit cupidatat nulla ipsum nostrud commodo


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Duis do duis anim laborum eiusmod ex ea ipsum ad aute eiusmod deserunt nostrud nisi aliquip sit
Deserunt adipisicing duis minim
Velit nulla amet cillum ad
Do id id velit
Occaecat magna
Est ipsum
Irure in
not specified


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