The Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) was established in 1946 with the mission to facilitate research in experimental psychology and promote scientific communication among experimental psychologists and those in related fields. It aims to support the academic and professional development of its members through regular scientific meetings, sponsored workshops, and funding opportunities, while primarily being funded through sales of its journal. The Society focuses on enhancing the discipline without directly influencing the professional status of psychologists.
The grant provided by the Experimental Psychology Society is designed to support workshops focused on experimental psychology. With a potential award of up to £4,500 per proposal, the grant aims to cover expenses such as travel, maintenance for workshop participants, and other basic costs like printing. In the evaluation process, there is a notable emphasis on diversity, encouraging applicants to create a speaker program that reflects the research community's diverse scope. This grant signifies the Society's commitment to promoting deep engagement and continuous learning within the field of experimental psychology.
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