Cole Foundation Grants

From Foundation for the Carolinas

Foundation For The Carolinas inspires philanthropy and empowers individuals to create a better community.

Type of Support


The grant program managed by The Cole Foundation is designed to support organizations at various stages, including existing entities, coalitions, or newly formed organizations. It targets projects that are beyond the seed stage and require funding outside of their regular operating budgets. The areas of focus include economic development, education (both K-12 and post-secondary), recreation, arts/culture, and human services. The foundation gives priority to local initiatives that demonstrate strong volunteer leadership, grassroots participation, and significant financial backing. Proposals are evaluated based on their feasibility, importance, and potential for success. Special emphasis is placed on capital grants for land, buildings, and equipment, particularly those that encourage matching gifts from other donors. Projects are expected to have prospects for future funding to ensure their continuity.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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