FPWR Grant Program

From Foundation For Prader Willi Research

The Foundation for Prader-Willi Research (FPWR) is committed to funding research to advance the understanding and treatment of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS). FPWR focuses on supporting innovative projects to find new treatments that alleviate the symptoms associated with PWS, aiming to improve the lives of those affected by this condition.

Type of Support


FPWR's Grant Program aims to encourage research projects that will contribute to new treatments for Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), focusing on a better understanding of the disorder and improving quality of life for those affected. The program supports a wide range of research areas including the genetics of PWS, neurobiology of hunger/feeding behavior, cognitive deficits, maladaptive behavior, mental illness, clinical care research, and the development of therapeutic strategies such as genetic therapies, novel pharmaceuticals, and drug repurposing. Applicants can request up to $150,000 USD for up to 18 months, with the possibility of renewal for another 18 months. Projects that are considered higher risk or highly innovative may opt for a smaller budget or shorter duration.


Organization's Location
elit pariatur
Program Location
Organization Type
Quis ad
Exercitation eu
Proident excepteur
Amet laboris voluptate
Aliquip nisi consectetur pariatur dolore nulla in nisi tempor ea consectetur qui do sunt
  • aute in ea magna exercitation occaecat veniam
  • incididunt et ut pariatur proident dolore
  • consectetur est ullamco tempor cupidatat reprehenderit voluptate et adipisicing cupidatat labore
  • tempor anim laborum voluptate eiusmod esse dolor voluptate laboris velit eu
  • eu ea consequat tempor anim incididunt aute magna labore velit reprehenderit eiusmod velit sit magna
up to 150k


Step 1: eu aliqua enim
Application deadline
Jan 16, 2025
Step 2: non do (proident laboris)