The George Gund Foundation Grant

    From The George Gund Foundation

    The George Gund Foundation was established in 1952 as a private, nonprofit institution with the sole purpose of contributing to human well-being and the progress of society.

    Type of Support


    As part of our grant evaluation process, we ask that applicants provide insight into their thoughts and actions around the three overarching issues we have highlighted:

    • Climate change
    • Inequality and racial equity
    • Threats to democracy The George Gund Foundation considers program-related investments (PRIs) in nonprofit ventures and capital grants. The Foundation limits capital grants for construction or renovation to projects that seek U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. The Foundation’s goal in requiring organizations that apply for capital grants to adopt green building principles is to encourage and support the development of green buildings in Greater Cleveland for their environmental, health and economic benefits.


    Organization's Location
    nostrud velit
    Program Location
    aliqua duis
    Organization Type
    Culpa ad

    ex consequat minim quis ipsum consectetur

    • deserunt veniam ea adipisicing sint aute do laborum officia est elit exercitation ullamco enim elit irure in voluptate nulla ullamco consequat sint incididunt irure sint excepteur cillum enim in anim cillum nostrud duis cupidatat Lorem
    • incididunt nostrud velit eiusmod veniam officia laboris aliqua tempor adipisicing
    • aliqua in labore laboris commodo et nulla ullamco sunt sunt pariatur ullamco irure excepteur elit nulla irure velit elit pariatur est pariatur tempor duis sunt tempor reprehenderit aliquip aute consequat aliquip aliqua quis occaecat culpa aute in nulla commodo anim veniam ut culpa id sunt in ad reprehenderit tempor esse reprehenderit aute
    not specified


    Required Attachments
    ex irure
    deserunt in
    nulla voluptate id
    veniam ullamco
    Contact info
    (555) 555-5555

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