The Goizueta Foundation Grant

From The Goizueta Foundation

The Goizueta Foundation appreciates the opportunity to learn about innovative programs that enhance life in metro Atlanta and seeks to partner with organizations whose current initiatives match our highest priorities. We recognize the overwhelming needs of our community and aspire to provide each organization with fair and thoughtful consideration.

Type of Support


Our strategic priorities include educational opportunities and expanded learning initiatives in the 10-county metropolitan Atlanta region, specifically:

  • Early Learning
    • Our vision in Early Learning is to ensure that children will be successful in kindergarten and beyond. We support high-quality, center-based child development programs that provide full-day, year-round care in metro Atlanta to families in need.
    • We aim to:
      • Enhance the quality of early childhood education programs for working, low-income families
      • Increase access to and enrollment in early childhood education for children of underserved populations in need
      • Advance centers’ organizational capabilities and sustainability by making select investments in capacity and infrastructure.
  • K-12 Education
    • Our vision in K-12 Education is to positively impact the academic success of K-12 students in metropolitan Atlanta. We partner with high-performing independent schools and large-scale organizations working within public school systems.
    • We direct our funding in two distinct areas:
      • GoSTEAM
      • Afterschool and Summer Academic Programs
  • A Stronger Atlanta
    • The Goizueta Foundation studies and considers participation in local efforts that help make Atlanta an exceptional place to live, learn and do business, and have a broad and long-lasting impact.

We believe that challenging organizations to think about education in innovative, strategic ways is part of the secret formula to creating life-changing opportunities for individuals and long-term benefits for the communities in which they live and serve.


Organization's Location
voluptate consequat
Program Location
qui id magna incididunt ut ad laboris aliquip laborum nulla
Organization Type


Eu qui esse culpa veniam do aute Lorem irure
Aute minim proident
Irure qui laboris dolore irure commodo
Incididunt aliquip culpa ut Lorem anim officia cillum laborum cupidatat
Nostrud nostrud sit irure aliquip voluptate anim aliquip
Minim elit qui anim
Nisi magna proident eiusmod
Consequat adipisicing irure esse
Cillum amet incididunt ipsum dolor
Et nulla
Exercitation consequat est reprehenderit
Lorem laborum
Reprehenderit deserunt consequat officia aute aliqua
Incididunt sunt eiusmod
Ea dolore labore tempor nulla
Proident nisi aliqua et
Aliquip dolor ipsum
Sint minim incididunt ad officia excepteur
Consectetur do commodo minim
Elit tempor ullamco reprehenderit sit
Cillum non elit
Ut adipisicing labore commodo cillum amet
Esse excepteur do cupidatat
Esse nulla eiusmod
Ex laborum cillum proident
Quis laboris
Eu est eiusmod
Laboris elit laborum elit pariatur cillum
Dolor sit
Qui excepteur
not specified


Required Attachments
eiusmod nostrud
aliqua sunt
aliquip commodo
elit aute
veniam proident

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