Our mission, aligned with the founders' intent, vision, and values, is to ensure all people experience their fullest potential, emphasizing economic opportunities, especially for communities of color, those not earning a livable wage, and families experiencing poverty. We aim to increase opportunities for all to succeed, guided by community needs in Kansas City, fostering strong partnerships to build a community where an improved quality of life is equitable and enjoyable by all.
The grant program focuses on three interconnected impact areas to enhance community life and individual potential in Kansas City: KC Spirit, Prospering Communities, and Growing Minds. KC Spirit aims to elevate the city through cultural organizations and community initiatives, ensuring it remains a thriving and inclusive place. Prospering Communities targets holistic approaches to reduce poverty and increase equity, focusing on systemic solutions in education, housing, employment, and healthcare to create livable neighborhoods. Growing Minds is dedicated to strengthening the educational foundation for children and their families, encompassing investments in Pre-K to post-secondary education and wrap-around support services that address out-of-classroom barriers and offer additional academic support. The program prioritizes economic opportunities, focusing on communities of color and those experiencing poverty, striving for equity in access to resources and services to enable all community members to reach their greatest potential.
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