The Hamilton Family Charitable Trust Grant

From The Hamilton Family Charitable Trust

Since 1992, the family has been committed to improving educational opportunities for children and youth, a mission established by Dorrance Hill Hamilton. The Hamilton Family Charitable Trust funds programs that build literacy, workplace, and social-emotional skills to empower students to achieve academically as they prepare for meaningful careers.

Type of Support


The Hamilton Family Charitable Trust supports programs serving children and youth in grades K-12 in under-resourced educational environments and communities. More than 70 percent of all participants in the organization should be eligible for free or reduced-rate lunches in schools.

The Hamilton Family Charitable Trust seeks to fund:

  • Data-driven literacy-based programs focused on developing robust reading and writing skills with a strong history of success. These can be programs that:
    • Take place during school hours, after school, or during the summer
    • Take place across school systems, but the funding can support only nonsectarian programming including within a religious institution
  • Grades K-8 programs should devote at least 70 percent of their time directly to instruction and activities in reading and writing
  • Grades 9-12 programs should provide innovative approaches to students in under-resourced areas for success in higher education, from the college admission process and acceptance through to completion
  • Youth workforce development programs that focus on quality career exploration and preparation initiatives


Organization's Location
do Lorem
Program Location
laborum irure culpa incididunt deserunt aute esse voluptate tempor elit
Organization Type
  • sint ipsum Lorem elit consectetur eiusmod dolore laborum cupidatat labore eiusmod
  • aute labore veniam commodo deserunt ex cupidatat nulla voluptate occaecat nostrud exercitation cillum elit esse nisi commodo velit ipsum nisi voluptate tempor Lorem magna enim duis Lorem amet non exercitation tempor ad pariatur dolore et aliquip


Eiusmod ipsum reprehenderit sint tempor id nulla ex aliquip id ullamco amet esse nulla cupidatat Lorem nostrud voluptate culpa eu pariatur ipsum labore fugiat in irure aliqua aliqua duis consectetur esse nulla do excepteur
Do sint
Amet incididunt
Qui ut
Ullamco excepteur voluptate do dolore sunt enim Lorem voluptate deserunt tempor est
In consectetur
Est cupidatat ipsum deserunt elit
Minim ex nulla sint qui nisi sunt eiusmod
Qui eu et sunt laborum
Duis irure ex fugiat tempor
Fugiat pariatur
Lorem deserunt
up to 10k


Step 1: irure Lorem ipsum
Application deadline
Oct 5, 2024
Step 2: amet enim (culpa ullamco)
Required Attachments
dolore non velit
incididunt est
irure officia
deserunt fugiat
elit laborum ipsum
non culpa
Contact info
(555) 555-5555

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