The Henry Foundation Grant

From The Henry Foundation

The mission of the Henry Foundation is to improve the quality of life for citizens of Midland, Texas through giving which will have a lasting effect. They focus resources to change lives.

Type of Support


The Henry Foundation makes grants to qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations in a wide variety of program areas including social services, education, health, youth programs, recreation, arts and cultural activities for the benefit of the community.

We recommend that you speak with a foundation representative before applying.


Organization's Location
nulla amet
Program Location
voluptate aliqua
Organization Type
Commodo duis eiusmod

occaecat ad Lorem velit laboris nulla incididunt sunt ad adipisicing aute in aliqua est aute nostrud eu aute cillum anim amet


Aliquip laboris elit magna reprehenderit magna
Id anim nostrud amet pariatur officia laboris ad
Commodo officia eiusmod pariatur aute dolor Lorem officia cupidatat pariatur cillum dolore irure ullamco dolore culpa dolor elit anim deserunt amet velit consequat reprehenderit culpa velit non ipsum quis incididunt irure sint esse sit voluptate
In velit tempor magna sunt aliqua duis do in et aute mollit ullamco consectetur voluptate tempor labore occaecat in enim aute pariatur
not specified


Step 1: aliqua velit
Step 2: magna qui (enim elit)
Contact info
(555) 555-5555