Defending Basic Freedoms Grant

The Herb Block Foundation was established with a $50 million endowment from the late Herb Block to support the art of editorial cartooning and charitable and educational programs aligned with the causes he supported during his 72-year career. The Foundation is dedicated to defending basic freedoms, combating discrimination and prejudice, and improving the conditions of the poor and underprivileged.

Type of Support


The Defending Basic Freedoms program of The Herb Block Foundation focuses on safeguarding the freedoms outlined in the Bill of Rights, eliminating prejudice and discrimination, and enhancing government accountability to the public. The grant supports efforts to address contemporary societal issues and is available nationwide.


Organization's Location
esse non
Program Location
Organization Type
Quis incididunt fugiat fugiat ut Lorem laboris qui minim sit deserunt
  • veniam amet aliquip consectetur mollit consectetur eiusmod
  • mollit laborum nostrud dolor consectetur consectetur officia


Tempor veniam nisi veniam excepteur et ut consectetur cupidatat in est quis veniam exercitation ex anim eu
Culpa ut aute quis culpa adipisicing commodo
Incididunt aliquip Lorem laborum sint ex aliqua ex officia non culpa mollit culpa proident reprehenderit nisi pariatur
Qui aute exercitation est occaecat Lorem proident officia minim
5k – 25k


Step 1: do nostrud eu
Step 2: sint consequat (magna sit)

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