Herbert E. Parker Charitable Trust Grants

From Herbert E. Parker Charitable Trust

The Herbert E. Parker Charitable Trust aims to fulfill Herbert Parker's last wishes by supporting cancer research, care and education for children with intellectual disabilities, and sports programs for underprivileged youth. The Trust focuses primarily on organizations in Denver, Colorado, reflecting Parker's life and work in the area.

Type of Support


The grant program established by the Herbert E. Parker Charitable Trust seeks to advance three main areas of philanthropic focus: education, health, and human services. This encompasses a broad commitment to: supporting cancer research; providing care and educational opportunities for children with intellectual disabilities; and facilitating access to sports programs for underprivileged youth. While the Trust does not impose strict program limitations, it maintains a strong preference for supporting initiatives within these domains, especially those operating in Denver, Colorado, to honor the donor’s local legacy.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
Occaecat laborum non duis et elit mollit ex aliqua et dolor dolore
2k – 10k


Review Criteria

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