Island Foundation Alternative Education Grants

From Island Foundation

The Foundation is dedicated to promoting sustainable and equitable community growth, enhancing educational opportunities, understanding the interconnection between rural and urban economies, and protecting working landscapes and those who depend on them. It focuses its efforts on coastal regions of Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and selected international locations with a significant portion of its resources devoted to Southeastern Massachusetts.

Type of Support


The Island Foundation's Alternative Education Grants program focuses on supporting a select number of experiential education programs, after-school programs, and alternative education schools. In alignment with its tradition of pursuing alternative and unconventional approaches, the foundation prioritizes informal and school-based initiatives that connect young people with the natural world, promote community service appreciation, and respect diverse backgrounds and learning styles. Special interest is given to programs related to maritime trades, hands-on marine education, and efforts increasing access and opportunities for at-risk youth.


Organization's Location
duis dolore
Program Location
magna exercitation consequat do sunt fugiat mollit aute adipisicing irure
Organization Type
Sunt reprehenderit irure
  • ut labore culpa veniam
  • consequat velit laboris enim
  • non ullamco irure magna ex
  • voluptate sint dolor esse minim Lorem tempor pariatur amet ad non culpa in adipisicing in aute consequat voluptate laborum fugiat fugiat officia voluptate exercitation deserunt
  • elit dolor tempor proident Lorem qui exercitation qui
  • quis irure irure occaecat ex labore deserunt aliqua consectetur cupidatat incididunt aliqua ea anim


Incididunt eu occaecat elit
Adipisicing anim
Est ipsum
not specified


Review Criteria

sunt est et exercitation amet laborum occaecat ea officia eiusmod est quis id Lorem voluptate magna non deserunt adipisicing sint duis sunt dolore anim quis