Jehovah-Jireh Foundation Grant

From Jehovah-Jireh Foundation

As fulfillers of the Great Commission, we’re a Church planting movement commissioned to build. This is accomplished through the Builder’s Fund - a perpetual source of annual investments that provides Independent Baptist Churches with the funds to assist them to build or acquire their first sanctuary building.

Type of Support


We desire to partner with church planters to financially assist with the purchase of an existing church building or a building that can be converted into a church building. We may also assist with the construction of a church building or help pay off an existing loan for land owned by the applicant. Grants shall be made for the purpose of acquiring a first sanctuary building.


Organization's Location
ex sint
Program Location
Organization Type
Tempor tempor ut
Organization Budget And Years
Organization has existed for at least -1 years
  • sit sunt elit dolor occaecat et amet non labore nulla laboris
  • culpa in sint in cillum tempor pariatur laboris occaecat veniam reprehenderit qui cupidatat
  • aliqua commodo ad velit fugiat cupidatat culpa officia reprehenderit ea elit veniam laborum sit


Culpa nulla cillum ut do minim est excepteur esse
not specified


Step 1: in nisi
Application deadline
Oct 6, 2024
Step 2: laboris voluptate (sint eu)