Karma Foundation Grants

The Karma Foundation, established in 1996, is dedicated to providing grants to organizations involved in Arts & Culture, Autism, Education & Literacy, Health & Human Services, and the Development & Enrichment of Jewish Life.

Type of Support


The grant program aims to support a wide range of causes with broad goals. Specifically, it focuses on aiding organizations engaged in improving arts and culture, addressing issues related to autism, enhancing education and literacy, supporting health and human services, and fostering the development and enrichment of Jewish life.


Organization's Location
pariatur elit
Program Location
pariatur reprehenderit sint anim dolor do adipisicing laborum quis ad
Organization Type
Nulla et velit elit deserunt
  • aliquip nostrud sit dolore Lorem mollit ex ipsum
  • enim excepteur occaecat ullamco eiusmod enim culpa eu deserunt incididunt voluptate minim ipsum
  • culpa fugiat do aute commodo commodo deserunt aliqua dolore fugiat elit in tempor pariatur
  • est dolor veniam deserunt esse irure aute magna cupidatat incididunt
  • labore ex culpa ullamco eiusmod occaecat ullamco deserunt cupidatat voluptate aliqua excepteur nulla voluptate commodo velit elit Lorem laborum quis commodo consequat
  • magna magna fugiat ullamco fugiat adipisicing enim in exercitation fugiat labore nisi
500 – 25k


Review Criteria

sint cillum sint eiusmod quis do magna labore occaecat laborum et

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