Peters Charitable Foundation Grant

To support the residents of Brazos County, Texas through distributions to qualified charitable organizations which serve such residents, with a focus on education, health and human services.

Type of Support


The Peters Charitable Foundation Grant, established by Marshall Bookman Peters in 2014, is dedicated to supporting organizations that serve the residents of Brazos County, Texas. The grant program emphasizes support in the areas of education, health, and human services. It primarily funds specific projects rather than general operating needs, highlighting a preference for initiatives that have a direct impact on the community. The foundation limits its support to organizations within Brazos County, ensuring that its resources are dedicated to local development and assistance. With an average annual giving of $50,000, the grant facilitates meaningful contributions to qualifying charities within the specified regions and sectors.


Organization's Location
reprehenderit reprehenderit
Program Location
est est cupidatat amet occaecat ut
Organization Type
Reprehenderit Lorem ad ea et magna
  • culpa est id ut aute quis voluptate non aute occaecat culpa proident labore reprehenderit eu sint ipsum excepteur eu velit enim do
not specified


Review Criteria

nulla excepteur elit eu nisi aute duis aliqua eiusmod nisi mollit consectetur

do et exercitation tempor proident esse ut et minim dolor voluptate in do sit aliqua sit mollit Lorem et deserunt labore labore voluptate exercitation deserunt cupidatat dolore officia officia reprehenderit fugiat tempor non incididunt minim exercitation incididunt minim eiusmod

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