Lambert Political Action

From Maine Education Association

The Maine Education Association (MEA) is committed to ensuring that professional educators' voices, values, and priorities are heard and respected. It aims to guarantee every Maine student access to an outstanding education by advocating for better pay, benefits, and working conditions for its members, standing up for, supporting, and empowering educators in and outside the classroom, ensuring equity, preventing discrimination and prejudice, and advancing great public schools for all educators and students across the state.

Type of Support


The Leroy Lambert Political Action Grants, offered by MEA, aim to support Local Association members in developing and executing a political action program within their schools and communities. These grants fund activities that are consistent with MEA policies and achieve at least one of the Association's specific goals. These goals include aiding in the election of education-friendly local office candidates, serving as innovative examples for other MEA affiliates, and boosting member involvement in the educator political action process at the local level.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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