Marcia and Otto Koehler Foundation Grant

The Marcia and Otto Koehler Foundation is dedicated to supporting charitable organizations focused on medical research and care facilities, the fine arts in San Antonio, and the physical, mental, and moral well-being of boys and girls in the San Antonio area through education, recreation, guidance, and medical care.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Marcia and Otto Koehler Foundation aims to bolster initiatives across several key areas: Arts, Culture, & Humanities; Education; Human Services; Youth Development; and Medical Research. These grants support the promotion of the fine arts within San Antonio, enhance educational and recreational opportunities for youth, and advance medical research and care facilities, among other causes.


Organization's Location
commodo excepteur
Program Location
anim dolore fugiat voluptate cupidatat ut enim excepteur non
Organization Type
Nostrud labore esse ex laboris labore nostrud consectetur est ex
  • incididunt et ex ex non nisi et cupidatat pariatur consectetur in ut qui do fugiat ullamco qui aliqua mollit


Pariatur deserunt culpa adipisicing fugiat labore minim exercitation
Enim do ad proident cillum sit
5k – 20k


Contact info
Review Criteria

laborum labore irure commodo laboris mollit voluptate dolor laboris commodo officia dolore aliqua consectetur dolor veniam do mollit

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