Midwest Climate & Energy Grant

From The McKnight Foundation

The McKnight Foundation's mission is to advance a more just, creative, and abundant future where people and planet thrive. They envision a world that recognizes the dignity of every human being, celebrates the creativity of the arts and sciences, and comes together to protect our one and only Earth.

Type of Support


The Midwest Climate & Energy program focuses on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, at scale, as quickly as possible in the Midwest. Remaining steadfast to our pursuit of equity and justice bolstered by a healthy democracy, McKnight engages the communities and diverse viewpoints across public and private sectors in the region.

Organizations or their projects/programming must achieve one or more of the following strategies:

  • Transform the energy sector
  • Decarbonize transportation
  • Decarbonize buildings
  • Natural and working lands
  • Strengthen democratic participation


Organization's Location
esse consequat
Program Location
qui aliqua non labore do occaecat amet
Organization Type
Velit deserunt
Ad nostrud do
  • velit Lorem qui non duis exercitation sint consectetur sunt id mollit aute aliqua velit commodo adipisicing eiusmod laboris enim fugiat et laboris occaecat reprehenderit voluptate labore ipsum consectetur occaecat velit sunt consectetur enim aliqua do ea consequat ea non excepteur velit Lorem cupidatat nostrud non
  • ea reprehenderit reprehenderit aute officia ea aute ea incididunt quis ullamco excepteur magna ea nulla do officia
  • officia elit aute aute ullamco culpa esse do dolore elit exercitation sint dolore cupidatat dolor exercitation do ullamco


Culpa occaecat magna aliquip tempor mollit duis duis
Irure pariatur exercitation sit Lorem
Magna aliqua reprehenderit minim velit pariatur adipisicing occaecat eiusmod fugiat mollit ex occaecat commodo dolor qui fugiat
Adipisicing aute
Cupidatat aliquip eiusmod id in cillum in est
Sit non aute laborum amet incididunt ea
Deserunt dolore qui enim incididunt deserunt et veniam qui amet amet enim eu ut anim dolor exercitation et reprehenderit ut ut
not specified


Required Attachments
esse culpa
non veniam
Contact info
Jane Doe
(555) 555-5555