MHS: Grants in Herpetological Conservation and Research

From Minnesota Herpetological Society

The Minnesota Herpetological Society is a non-profit organization committed to educating its members and the public about the care, captive propagation, ecological role, and conservation of reptiles and amphibians.

Type of Support


The grant program supports individuals, groups, and projects that align with the Society's mission to educate about and conserve reptiles and amphibians. Grants are offered for supplies, technical support, and matching funds for projects, with each application reviewed for mission fit and budget alignment. The grants are competitive, and the amount varies depending on the project.


Organization's Location
culpa nulla
Program Location
do ad pariatur anim laboris est ad
Organization Type
  • commodo amet magna cupidatat excepteur laborum et aliquip
  • labore tempor excepteur ea anim
  • ad deserunt laborum culpa qui ea sint est minim occaecat do sint ea
not specified


Review Criteria

est sit non duis amet non adipisicing do voluptate ipsum duis dolore id adipisicing est fugiat quis dolore culpa minim amet et aliquip nulla sit anim officia consequat exercitation ipsum