The Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati Grant

On the advice of its appointed Grants and Education Committee, the Massachusetts Society makes grants from income on an annual basis to organizations whose activities and goals are deemed consistent with, and supportive of, the stated purposes for which the Society was founded.

Type of Support


1. Education: Educational efforts which are designed to inform an audience about some aspect or aspects of the Revolutionary period will be considered. Such efforts may be in the form of an honorarium for a speaker or speakers or for the development and/or dissemination of curriculum materials. 2. Research: Funds may be awarded for research on an individual or on some aspect of the Revolutionary period. Special consideration will be given to research pertaining to the military during that period. 3. Conservation/Restoration: Funds will be awarded for the conservation or whole or partial restoration of structures, artifacts, paintings, graphics and printed documents and manuscripts of the Revolutionary period, with special emphasis on military items of that period. Restoration and conservation work must be carried out by an individual or organization well known to New England organizations which specialize in such matters, or by such organizations themselves.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type

All submitted proposals must adhere to the applicable parts of the following format: A. Narrative: Proposals will include a narrative which is not more than three 8½ x 11 typewritten, single spaced pages. The narrative should include:

  • What the organization plans to accomplish and the time frame in which it will be done. Specific dates for the beginning and ending of the project should be stated (See Deadline and Award Information).
  • How the project will assist the Massachusetts Society fulfill its purposes.
  • The audience or audiences who will benefit from the project if is partially or wholly funded.
  • Where additional funds will come from if the project is only partially funded.
  • The personnel who will carry out the project for the organization.
  • Whether the project is being done as part of a high school, college or graduate degree program and if so, the name of the faculty advisor.
  • The contact person with an address, telephone number and e-mail number. B. Budget Page: The budget page will include:
  • A detailed explanation of the use of the requested funds, including personnel, travel, fees, etc.
  • Indication of any matching funds or additional sponsorship of the project. C. Appendixes:
  • A copy of the organization’s non-profit status.
  • Further helpful information such as brochures, pictures, etc., with the understanding that nothing will be returned.
  • Resume(s) of the person(s) carrying out the project, or information on the organization doing so.
  • A letter of support from a faculty advisor (if applicable). D. Signatures: Signatures required include the following (if applicable).
  • Person carrying out the project.
  • Executive director or president of the organization requesting the grant.
  • Authority figure of organization or individual contracted with to carrying out the project.
  • Faculty advisor
not specified


Required Attachments
Project Budget
501(c)(3) Letter
Strategic Plan
Contact info
Thomas C. Hunter, Chairman, Grants and Education Committee, 11 Vine Street, Apt 4, Marblehead, Massachusetts 01945
Review Criteria

The Massachusetts Society is interested in determining whether its grant money is well spent. Upon the completion of your project, please send along a final report which describes briefly:

  • What your project has accomplished.
  • The audience or audiences which benefitted, or will benefit from the project.
  • How the project assisted the Massachusetts Society to fulfill its purposes. The report should also include any further evidence of the project’s completion such as photographs of a restored object, notification of a lecture series, and publicity received which acknowledges the support of the Massachusetts Society (see below). Failure to complete an evaluation of the project and return of the required evidence of its completion may result in the loss of consideration for future funding.