Mathematics Grades 6–12 Pre-service Teacher Course Work Scholarship

From National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics advocates for high-quality mathematics teaching and learning for each and every student.

Type of Support


The Mathematics Grades 6–12 Pre-service Teacher Course Work Scholarship aims to provide financial support to college or university students preparing to teach secondary school mathematics.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
  • Currently completing sophomore year of college
  • Full-time study at a four- or five-year college or university in the next academic year
  • Pursuing a career goal of becoming a certified teacher of 6-12 middle or high school mathematics
  • Applicant may also be pursuing a full-time graduate degree for the same teaching certification
  • College grade point average (GPA) must be at least


Individuals who have already received an award from the Mathematics Education Trust in the same academic year.
up to 4k


Visit Apply for more information.

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