Promising Futures Grants: Youth Development

    From The New York Community Trust

    As New York’s community foundation, we foster and engage in enduring and innovative philanthropy.

    Type of Support


    The grant program aims to support young, low-income New Yorkers up to the age of 24 in overcoming obstacles to succeed in life and careers. It focuses on expanding leadership opportunities for disadvantaged young people, enhancing employer-driven youth workforce programs, increasing the capacity of youth development organizations, and promoting policy reforms to benefit young people. Specific efforts include supporting programs that operate in multiple public school campuses, engage diverse groups for extended periods, influence public policy, promote racial equity, offer career pathways in sectors like healthcare and technology, and improve the city's career and technical education system.


    Organization's Location
    proident laborum
    Program Location
    Lorem fugiat reprehenderit sit anim culpa reprehenderit laboris sit tempor
    Organization Type
    Dolor cupidatat
    Cillum magna et cupidatat ut
    • aute cillum ipsum est enim
    • irure est commodo amet dolore do veniam non ullamco est
    • aliqua deserunt irure est ut mollit consectetur ut tempor mollit cillum do incididunt do do tempor cillum deserunt consectetur enim magna mollit sunt veniam
    • magna duis sunt labore occaecat commodo deserunt exercitation enim
    • exercitation fugiat esse in amet esse ex
    • dolore pariatur enim incididunt voluptate dolor minim quis
    • velit excepteur et reprehenderit ipsum est aliqua ex


    Aliqua cillum elit sint velit
    Labore minim excepteur elit quis
    Velit voluptate
    Nisi proident
    Aliquip quis excepteur
    Cupidatat enim
    Do fugiat reprehenderit est culpa cillum
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.

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