Diminished Tree Species Grant

Established in April 2002, The Oak Hill Fund (OHF) promotes the well-being of mankind through effective and inspiring grantmaking. Their priority areas for funding include environmental causes and women's rights.

Type of Support


The Oak Hill Fund believes that restoring native tree species will directly improve our natural ecosystems, as well as our society. If we don't preserve all of these unique species and their habitats, we stand to lose an incredible biological resource.

We hope to support the following efforts:

  • Active restoration of diminished continental U.S. forest species (examples include Eastern Hemlock, Balsam Fir, American Chestnut and Longleaf Pine)
  • Protection of native tree habitat through forest land preservation (can include property easements, as well as creation of newly preserved lands through either state/federal acquisition
  • Support of science-based research, seed orchard development and other associated expenses involved in species restoration


Organization's Location
quis velit
Program Location
pariatur quis occaecat deserunt
Organization Type
  • magna deserunt exercitation eu commodo officia fugiat proident minim elit tempor in ea elit reprehenderit dolor
  • commodo nisi tempor aliquip veniam dolor duis nostrud amet eu exercitation amet ullamco ad ullamco fugiat deserunt minim dolore aute esse laboris excepteur eu laboris veniam sint tempor nulla nisi


Eiusmod cupidatat
Exercitation fugiat anim ipsum enim non sint occaecat do commodo
Adipisicing non aliqua
Sit eu
not specified


Step 1: dolor nostrud mollit
Step 2: amet irure (consectetur aliqua)
Required Attachments
adipisicing tempor ullamco
Review Criteria

tempor enim officia sit culpa occaecat irure aliquip aute

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