OEPA: Ohio Environmental Education Fund General Grant

From Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

Ohio EPA establishes and enforces standards for air, water, waste management and cleanup of sites contaminated with hazardous substances. We also provide financial assistance to businesses and communities; environmental education programs for businesses and the public; and pollution prevention assistance to help businesses minimize their waste at the source.

Type of Support


The Ohio Environmental Education Fund General Grant is a funding opportunity managed by the Ohio EPA, offering grants to both statewide and local organizations. This program supports projects aimed at raising public awareness and education about significant environmental concerns affecting Ohio. Approximately $500,000 is made available annually, sourced from civil penalties for air and water pollution regulation violations. Priority is given to projects in five key areas: reduction of air emissions, nutrient management best practices, innovative stormwater management, habitat restoration to increase biodiversity, and encouraging students to explore environmental careers. The program offers general grants up to $50,000, usually for projects up to two years, but encourages completion within 12 months.


Organization's Location
excepteur nisi
Program Location
Organization Type
up to 50k


Step 1: laboris velit esse
Step 2: proident laborum (culpa labore)