OEPA: Ohio Environmental Education Fund Mini Grant

From Ohio Environmental Protection Agency

Ohio EPA establishes and enforces standards for air, water, waste management and cleanup of sites contaminated with hazardous substances. We also provide financial assistance to businesses and communities; environmental education programs for businesses and the public; and pollution prevention assistance to help businesses minimize their waste at the source.

Type of Support


The Ohio Environmental Education Fund Mini Grant program focuses on funding projects that raise awareness and educate the public on crucial environmental concerns affecting Ohio. Managed by the Ohio EPA and financed by civil penalties from air and water pollution regulation violations, the program offers around $500,000 annually. It prioritizes projects that promote the reduction of air emissions, advocate for best nutrient management practices, innovate in stormwater management, encourage habitat restoration for biodiversity and environmental health improvement, and stimulate interest in environmental science and engineering careers among students. Grants range from $500 to $5,000, targeting both statewide and local initiatives aligned with these focus areas.


Organization's Location
quis adipisicing
Program Location
Organization Type
500 – 5k


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Step 2: amet mollit (ad lorem)