Community Grant

    From Patrick and Aimee Butler Family Foundation

    The Butler Family Foundation seeks to foster safety, opportunity and growth for individuals and families by supporting effective nonprofit organizations in the arts, environment, and human services.

    Type of Support


    The Butler Family Foundation funds organizations working in the following fields:

    • Human Services organizations that:
      • Assist the most vulnerable members of our community, especially women and children.
      • The Foundation has special concern for victims of sexual exploitation and supports the principles of the Nordic Model, funding programs in the following five areas:
        • Prevention and intervention services for those experiencing domestic and family violence
        • Residential and community support for those with chemical addictions
        • Housing and services for those who are homeless or who lack safe, stable, and affordable housing
        • Holistic intervention and rehabilitative services for prostituted people, and those at risk of being prostituted, guided by the principles of the Nordic Model
        • Initiatives that promote public understanding of the Nordic Model principles

    The Butler Family Foundation has supported the following organizations, but they are not of priority for the current grant round.

    • Arts organizations that:
      • Make the arts accessible to every resident of the Twin Cities, with a particular focus on multidisciplinary and visual arts
      • Make musical instrument instruction available to young people from low-income families
      • Create access to collections and programs of visual arts, natural history, and science museums for low-income and nontraditional audiences
    • Environmental organizations that:
      • Have programs in land protection and sustainable land use, water quality protection and improvement, and efforts which integrate land and water protection strategies.
      • Educate Minnesota's young people about the importance of land and water resources

    The minimum grant amount projects and programming requests is $20,000. The minimum grant amount for general operating support requests is $30,000.


    Organization's Location
    et nulla
    Program Location
    adipisicing commodo adipisicing tempor aliquip laborum consectetur elit
    Organization Type
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization's annual budget is at least -1
    • aliqua esse tempor dolor ullamco excepteur nostrud labore nulla quis labore ea ea ea laborum irure officia incididunt do ea excepteur exercitation laboris qui aliquip dolor aliquip Lorem excepteur laboris deserunt esse occaecat id esse adipisicing excepteur nulla amet sunt
    • quis eu deserunt dolor elit Lorem amet sunt irure anim ex
    not specified


    Step 1: ex sunt eu
    Step 2: sunt ipsum (proident voluptate)
    Required Attachments
    aute aute aute
    dolor occaecat
    qui cillum
    Contact info
    Jane Doe
    (555) 555-5555

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