PCLB Foundation Grants - Land Conservation

    From Peter And Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation Inc

    The Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation (PCLB) was established to manage the philanthropy of Dr. Peter Buck and his wife Carmen Lucia in a strategic manner. Its mission is to provide motivated individuals with the tools necessary to help themselves. This encompasses more than just grants; guidance, connections, convening, information, and other support forms are included to aid grantees. PCLB aims to support high-quality organizations showing initiative, leadership, and innovation in addressing meaningful issues to the family and their communities.

    Type of Support


    PCLB focuses on land conservation as a crucial element for enhancing physical and mental health, ensuring food security, and promoting orderly community growth. Specifically, the foundation supports land conservation in New York’s Hudson Valley and, to a lesser extent, in Connecticut. It looks for organizations with considerable expertise and capacity, those that work collaboratively to preserve, connect, and manage open spaces and productive farmland, employ smart community development approaches, and strengthen the land conservation community via advocacy and training. Additionally, PCLB supports land trusts exploring or advancing mergers to create more effective, enduring organizations, covering costs related to consulting, legal fees, accounting needs, and other merger-associated expenses.


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    Aute nulla
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.