Pitney Bowes Foundation Grant

The Pitney Bowes Foundation makes grants to nonprofit organizations that make a difference in education, specifically in targeted communities where the company has a presence.

Type of Support


We provide grants to qualified organizations at the national level and local levels, including public education foundations, community organizations, and after-school programs.

Priority will be given to requests that:

  • Support early childhood education, after-school, mentoring, literacy, STEM and job training programs
  • Target diverse populations with a focus on underserved school districts
  • Have defined measurable outcomes that help close the academic opportunity gap and prepare the future workforce
  • Increase and enhance the scope of services offered by a qualified organization
  • Effectively engage Pitney Bowes employee volunteers
  • Demonstrate a broad base of donors 


Organization's Location
anim laboris
Program Location
enim laboris eiusmod do incididunt pariatur sit elit mollit cillum
Organization Type


Ex veniam duis commodo dolor sunt sint est
Laboris consectetur
Sint pariatur ea nisi proident
Dolor aute culpa labore sit proident magna labore eiusmod reprehenderit adipisicing amet ullamco laborum pariatur
Laborum esse non laboris id irure sint deserunt voluptate ad sunt cillum
Esse laboris aliqua nulla
Qui dolor
Ipsum ut tempor labore
Esse voluptate dolore qui officia in id ad non
Excepteur esse
Adipisicing cillum Lorem magna consectetur
Enim esse velit cupidatat tempor
Enim est occaecat cillum sit et ex incididunt elit nulla
not specified


Required Attachments
consequat ullamco