Porter Family Grant

From Porter Family Foundation

As a small foundation, the family believes it can have the greatest impact by serving as a catalyst for positive change and focusing its efforts in one program area, the environment.

Type of Support


Climate Change

  • Increasing awareness of climate change issues and mitigation strategies to increase public awareness and the public will for change
  • Promoting advocacy for more effective public policy and legislation
  • Encouraging the development and adoption of clean energy choices
  • Healthy food and healthy food production
  • Climate change resilience
  • Climate justice Environment
  • Assuring the availability of clean air and water for future generations
  • Health issues caused by environmental conditions
  • Saving and maintaining natural environments and ecosystems, particularly those that are essential for maintaining the food chain and habitats for species diversification
  • Improvement of urban environments and ecosystems
  • Achieving sustainability of natural resources for the planet
  • Environmental justice


Organization's Location
Program Location
MA (Boston), MI, NY (Brooklyn)
Organization Type
not specified


Step 1: Letter of Inquiry
Application deadline
Step 2: Full proposal (invite only)
Required Attachments
Letter of Inquiry (LOI)
Review Criteria

The following criteria guide the Porter Family Foundation’s grant making decisions with respect to the environment and climate change:

  • Will it have a measurable impact on lowering carbon emissions in the next 10 years to help achieve the goals recommended by the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report of October 2018?
  • Does it raise awareness and inspire action by citizens and their community?
  • Does it influence elected representatives at the local, state and/or federal level to support policies which reduce carbon emissions, mitigate climate change, promote social equity and protect the natural world?
  • Will the funds lead an organization or local government to become active, or partner with others, to take effective action against climate change and build a sustainable community?
  • Can the project learning or outcome be replicated to be used by others?
  • Does it consider the needs of disadvantaged communities and serve to accelerate their participation and leadership in climate action?