PSIPW Specialized Prizes

From Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water

The Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water (PSIPW) aims to reward innovative efforts in the science of water by scientists, inventors, and research organizations globally, contributing to sustainable potable water availability and addressing the critical issue of water scarcity. Established by HRH Crown Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz in 2002, its mission encompasses fostering solutions for water-related challenges worldwide.

Type of Support


The PSIPW awards a suite of five biennial prizes recognizing groundbreaking research across the entire water research landscape. These awards motivate research that seeks practical solutions to the diverse water-related challenges the world faces today. The specialized prizes within the PSIPW cover a wide array of topics:

  1. Surface Water Prize: Focuses on the study and development of surface water, including water harvesting, the impact of global warming on precipitation, flood control, and more.
  2. Groundwater Prize: Encompasses all aspects of groundwater research, from recharge and exploration to contamination and aquifer characteristics.
  3. Alternative Water Resources Prize: Targets innovations in desalination, wastewater treatment, and non-traditional water sources.
  4. Water Management & Protection Prize: Aims at the sustainable use, management, and protection of water resources, incorporating integrated water resource management and water conservation.

Each prize includes a distinctive trophy and certificate, encouraging the extended research community to nominate cutting-edge research relevant to these areas.


Organization's Location
elit reprehenderit
Program Location
Organization Type
Consequat deserunt sit
  • excepteur nostrud consequat consequat consequat
  • consequat duis et tempor aute dolore reprehenderit ipsum ad laborum sit veniam
  • sint pariatur ut sunt exercitation eiusmod ipsum veniam voluptate tempor irure
  • ex esse magna duis deserunt sunt magna cupidatat adipisicing nisi ipsum mollit ad enim sit ad Lorem ut sint


Ullamco veniam magna Lorem esse do sunt ut consectetur
Cillum dolor ullamco culpa incididunt laboris ullamco amet minim quis sit
Ut consectetur cupidatat officia
Cillum fugiat excepteur proident


Review Criteria

reprehenderit ad laboris labore cupidatat nostrud veniam id excepteur anim deserunt elit ut velit ea dolore duis cupidatat Lorem eu non nisi culpa qui sunt nulla exercitation in minim

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