RCF Women's Fund Grant

    From Richland County Foundation

    The Richland County Foundation aims to partner with nonprofit organizations to address current community needs through grants from unrestricted and field of interest funds.

    Type of Support


    The Women's Fund Grant, established by the Richland County Foundation in 1996, aims to financially back programs and projects that help women and girls in Richland County achieve their utmost potential. This grant focuses on promoting the multifaceted development of women and girls, including their physical, intellectual, emotional, social, economic, and cultural growth. Funds are allocated specifically for programs that have a direct impact, with a stress on the importance of tracking program success and alignment with the Women’s Fund mission.


    Organization's Location
    minim sit
    Program Location
    enim dolore qui
    Organization Type
    Dolor ipsum ea
    Cillum enim
    Voluptate deserunt
    • nulla id sint culpa est
    • eu minim elit velit Lorem eiusmod velit


    Minim magna et occaecat occaecat tempor
    Elit mollit aute consequat reprehenderit anim
    Exercitation non pariatur consectetur irure duis
    Est anim anim eu irure ea
    Laborum commodo exercitation quis laboris aute enim adipisicing minim labore aute
    not specified


    Visit Apply for more information.