Welch Foundation Research Grant

From Robert A Welch Foundation 062491

The Welch Foundation, originating from the legacy of Robert Alonzo Welch, aims to honor his commitment to humanity, passion for chemistry, and love for Texas by being a leading source of private funding for basic chemical research within the state. Established in 1954 and based in Houston, Texas, the organization dedicates itself to the advancement of chemistry via research grants, departmental programs, endowed chairs, and special projects at Texas educational institutions.

Type of Support


The Welch Foundation Research Grant program is designed to bolster fundamental chemical research at educational institutions across Texas. With a strong emphasis on supporting projects that can enhance the understanding and application of chemistry, it provides generous financial backing. Each grant awards a minimum of $100,000 annually for a proposed project timeline of three years, covering needs such as fellowships, scholarships, permanent and expendable scientific equipment, service costs, equipment maintenance, publication expenses, and travel, all in adherence to the foundation's specific guidelines.


Organization's Location
mollit pariatur
Program Location
Organization Type
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