Democratic Practice Program

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund aims at fostering long-term peace and prosperity in Europe, with a focus on successful post-communist and post-conflict transitions in the Balkans. It supports healthy democratic processes, regional myth debunking initiatives, and the development of a vibrant civil society and indigenous philanthropy in the region. The RBF is dedicated to ensuring the transformation into transparent, accountable, and responsive democracies, emphasizing ethnic, gender, age, cultural, and racial diversity, and promoting pluralistic, inclusive societies.

Type of Support


The Democratic Practice program aims to fortify the health of democracy both within the United States and in the realm of global governance. It operates under the belief that democracy's success hinges on active, empowered citizens and transparent, accountable governance structures. Domestically, it addresses challenges like political division, the influence of money in politics, and voter disenfranchisement, while promoting grassroots activism and the integration of digital media for civic engagement. Strategies include supporting electoral reforms, enhancing public participation, and advocating for economic and racial justice. Internationally, the program focuses on the impacts of globalization, aiming to make global institutions more democratic and equitable, particularly in the contexts of climate change, development finance, and trade. It supports initiatives that scrutinize global processes, foster citizen coalitions, and lobby for policies aligning global commerce with social and environmental standards.


Organization's Location
elit enim
Program Location
Organization Type
Voluptate adipisicing in laborum et esse
Do ad cupidatat minim id enim labore nostrud Lorem cillum eiusmod dolore
  • voluptate quis enim minim est incididunt
  • culpa culpa consectetur ea pariatur excepteur sit anim qui
  • tempor cupidatat dolore ad enim incididunt do excepteur nulla nostrud culpa ex nisi


Sint sint deserunt id anim velit sunt in ad dolor
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Sunt fugiat anim consequat magna cillum
Minim magna sit incididunt
Ad dolore nulla amet proident deserunt
not specified


Review Criteria

incididunt sint et minim velit magna consequat amet laboris officia fugiat amet sint fugiat minim dolore ad nostrud ad officia duis quis et cillum enim labore ipsum officia