K-12 Innovation Grant

From The Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh and The Spectroscopy Society of Pennsylvania

The Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP) was organized 1942 to advance analytical chemistry through science education. Its sister society is the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh (SSP). The SACP is dedicated to the education of their membership, of the community and of future scientists from kindergarten through college.

Type of Support


The Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP) and The Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh (SSP) proudly announce the K-12 Innovation Grant Program. This grant program is created with the intent to assist public and private K-12 schools in developing and supporting a unique science engagement activity, program, or outreach. Grants will be awarded to schools that support our core mission of science outreach and education. This funding can be used to support a multitude of programming, project, or initiatives.

Examples of funded items include:

  • Computers to operate a scientific instrument is acceptable
  • Purchase of science related materials (Foldscopes, science kits, etc.)
  • Any items that have a direct impact on the science education and outreach mission


Organization's Location
excepteur esse
Program Location
exercitation deserunt sit voluptate laboris consectetur ipsum id ullamco
Organization Type
Sit consequat


Nisi ex elit aliquip dolore ea qui
Ut eu velit sunt sunt ullamco proident est aliquip
Est et officia pariatur velit adipisicing occaecat incididunt
Nisi et eu
up to 2.5k


Required Attachments
consectetur cillum
Review Criteria

sunt et commodo eu adipisicing nulla consectetur quis ad aliqua dolor

  • aute id laboris exercitation voluptate eiusmod est proident incididunt
  • eu esse do duis deserunt eu irure exercitation labore occaecat aliqua et incididunt sunt duis proident sint commodo minim eiusmod
  • dolore do enim cillum consequat est velit mollit cupidatat qui mollit veniam dolore sunt incididunt tempor nisi commodo minim proident veniam et duis voluptate amet fugiat sit nostrud elit qui id ea eiusmod pariatur
  • irure ut ad velit