The Sample Foundation Grant

From The Sample Foundation

The Sample Foundation is a private family foundation with a mission to provide grants to non-profit organizations in the areas of health, social welfare and services for underserved populations in Montana and legacy grants in Collier County, Florida.

Type of Support


The Sample Foundation is a private family foundation with a mission to provide grants to non-profit organizations in the areas of health, social welfare and services for underserved populations in Montana and legacy grants in Collier County, Florida. Funding is limited to include the purchase of equipment and building projects relating to the Sample Foundation’s mission and geographic area. In most instances, grants are for capital outlays.


Organization's Location
amet exercitation
Program Location
ipsum nisi cupidatat fugiat
Organization Type


Aute labore
Reprehenderit anim consectetur consectetur proident et ex fugiat
Irure labore quis mollit ad incididunt
Dolor anim
Commodo eu
Sit cupidatat
Non Lorem
not specified


Required Attachments
elit officia
ut cillum
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