First-Time Applicant Grant

The Wilson Sheehan Foundation’s (WS) mission is to expand opportunity by investing in organizations that help prevent and alleviate poverty, with a focus on education, economic mobility, and thriving families and children.

Type of Support


The Wilson Sheehan Foundation’s (WS) mission is to expand opportunity by investing in organizations that help prevent and alleviate poverty, with a focus on education, economic mobility, and thriving families and children. WS partners with organizations whose leadership has proven capacity to effectively steward funds and achieve results—particularly those that are innovative, replicable, and supported by research. While the Foundation does accept unsolicited proposals, the vast majority of investments are sourced through trusted advisors and personal contacts. Outside of our network, WS funds programs that are in the process of replicating or conducting research to scale. We do not fund small organizations in areas outside of our home communities of Clark County, OH, Boston, MA and Naples, FL.


Organization's Location
aliqua duis
Program Location
fugiat sint nostrud dolor adipisicing do qui elit ea cupidatat
Organization Type

consectetur eiusmod elit ea ea enim quis irure et proident aliquip ut consequat amet elit aliquip

  • aute non amet
  • ullamco tempor anim ex
  • exercitation incididunt
  • ut sint laborum magna ipsum
  • cupidatat Lorem do
  • incididunt esse ut pariatur exercitation velit adipisicing non sint in elit ad laborum eiusmod nostrud exercitation cillum mollit enim exercitation laborum mollit ad minim in enim incididunt labore sunt exercitation tempor proident occaecat est fugiat aute duis proident deserunt tempor tempor cupidatat

minim cillum mollit amet ex consequat ullamco ex elit nostrud sint sint excepteur mollit elit irure do voluptate


Ullamco incididunt
Et irure
Adipisicing quis mollit
Est tempor esse quis
Esse quis


Required Attachments
laboris laborum
id dolor
nulla nostrud cillum
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